Mutualism during the flooding
As Colonna Solidale Autogestita (Self-Organised Solidarity Section) we are working since Thursday 18 May on the areas hit by the flooding (around the Bologna area and Romagna) together with many volunteers and the Plat to support local populations in these difficult days.
Solidarity and self-organization are our weapons, in these moments we practice them with more strength during the emergency.
Every morning we move together in groups from Circolo Anarchico “C. Berneri” in Porta Santo Stefano and from Plat in via Dell’Arca bringing equipment, food and other useful tools.
To support these activities you can join the groups writing an e-mail to colonnasolidale @ esiliati . org or to the [facebook page]( or [mastodon](
In order to donate:
We must question the entire development model: to the problem of global climate crisis, the responsibilities of the governments for a wrong management of the territory are added.
The next Saturday 27 May we invite everyone to meet and discuss on these themes in Piazza Maggiore, Bologna, at 16:00.